DrySign Independence Day ShareFest Rules and FAQ
We want you to have fun and with that in mind here’s what you have to do to win exciting prizes.
Step 1 – Share any DrySign post publicly on your personal profile and tag at least five friends.
Step 2 – Tag us.
Step 3 – Use #DrySign #IndepenceDayShareFest #ElecronicSignatures in your caption.
- Don’t just stop at five, the sky is the limit.
- Keep an eye out for engagement metrics.
- Do share the posts with a relevant caption.
- Choose your audience wisely.
- Select the date and time to get maximum engagement.
- Don’t just stop at five, the sky is the limit.
- Keep an eye out for engagement metrics.
- Do share the posts with a relevant caption.
- Choose your audience wisely.
- Select the date and time to get maximum engagement.
Which post should I share?
Any post that you find creative, relatable, informative, attractive or any post that will make your friend’s day.
How do I share it on Facebook?
Please be sure to make the post public before sharing it so that it gets maximum engagement.
Is there a prize for participation?
Our top priority is to ensure you have fun and make it worth your while. So yes, there is a prize for participation.
How do you decide who’s the winner?
According to Team DrySign, everyone is a winner!
When are you going to announce the winner?
Team DrySign has chosen the auspicious occasion of upcoming Independence Day to announce the winner.
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