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Accessible and highly user-friendly electronic signatures for faster admissions and paperwork.

In this digital age, educational institutions and educators cannot afford to languish in archaic ways. Using DrySign’s digital signature platform, educators can be in sync with the tenets of modern educational practices.

Enrolling in a course can be quite cumbersome when done in person. A lot of administrative forms and documentation need to be filed to initiate the process. Getting these filled, attested, submitted, and processed requires considerable time and effort. In addition to being an inefficient process, it also generates a lot of waste.

Instead of wet signatures, using an online signature tool to manage forms pertaining to admissions, staff onboarding, tuition agreements, permission slips, etc., is far more convenient. Automating these can provide great relief to educators and institutes, allowing them time to focus on their primary objectives.

DrySign helps institutions improve efficiency and security while being sustainable and cost-effective simultaneously.

DrySign eSignatures for Educational Institutions

Friendly UI and UX

DrySign was designed to maximize accessibility with clear labeling and a minimalist aesthetic to make it clutter-free and user-friendly. It is mobile-friendly and hence convenient to access from anywhere at any time. Irrespective of the area of expertise, incorporating digital signature workflows help streamline processes for digital-savvy millennials.


Virtual signatures help reduce the amount an institute allocates towards purchasing stationery, documentation storage & maintenance. It also reduces administrative overheads, allowing educators to dedicate person-hours to their core functions.

Agile and Coherent Technology

DrySign integrates seamlessly with several enterprise software such as Google Drive, Dropbox, and OneDrive. In addition, Digital signatures for PDF, Doc, Excel, and other formats allow borrowing, sharing, and transferring templates and content for swifter, hassle-free documentation.

Electronic Signature Solution for Education


  • Enrollment
  • Registration forms
  • Student handbooks
  • Scholarship and Financial Aid applications
  • Student loan applications
  • Transfer requests and forms
  • ID forms
  • Teacher reports
  • Course change forms
  • Parking forms